What is the goal of donating data?
Like donating blood and organs, donating data is a new way to share what belongs to yourself and at the same time contribute to something important to society.
As you know, every person with type 1 diabetes is unique. Hence, your data is as important as another person's data living with type 1 diabetes. Collecting large amounts of data from as many people as possible who have type 1 diabetes - increases the opportunities to come up with new innovative solutions and ideas that describe all of us.
By donating data you give yourself the best conditions for a healthier life and future.
Top 5 reasons why you should donate data
Become one of the lucky winners of a week trip to Idre Fjäll (1 summer and 1 winter) Idre Fjäll.
The first 100 data doners will get 1 digital cinema ticket. This digital ticket is valid as payment for a regular cinema visit to cinemas belonging to Filmstaden, Svenska Bio, and Cinemascenen, which is available at Filmstaden
Create better conditions for you to have a healthier life and future.
You contribute to the development of technical diabetes innovation to create better conditions for reaching your "time in range" (TIR). TIR is the percentage of time your blood sugar levels are within a target range.
You have a chance to be part of a focus group & be able to influence the choice of the winner of the competition entries that are presented.
The process of becoming a data doner
1. Apply to become a data doner
2. After you applied, you will receive an email with information from Synkzone.
3. Export your data from the health care platforms you are using (find the information down below which platforms you can use).
4. Import your data to Synkzone.
5. Fill out forms in the sync zone regarding demographics.
6. You are done!
7. Your data will now be deidentified & processed before it will be used as datasets for #IHackForDiabetes.
Which type of platform is valid for data donation?
For this Hackathon, it will only be possible to donate data that you can export to Excel, JSON, or CSV format. These are some of the platforms that enable you to become a data doner! If you use other platforms that's fine - as long it is possible to export the data to Excel, JSON, or CSV format. Apply here to become a data doner.
Instructions on how to export your data.
Instructions on how to import it to Synkzone.
How do I know if my data is managed right ?
Your data will be de-identified, meaning that all information that allows personal information to be linked to a specific person is deleted permanently.
( Name, Personal id, complete address, Telephone number, email address as well as IP address or other ID.s ) We ask you for the postage number but it will be converted to an DeSO kod – (Swedish Demografiska statistikområden).
This means that your data will be anonymized and can therefore be used for the hackathon to find patterns in datasets that might give valuable insights
The aim is to find a passable path where the usability of the data is good enough for the Hackathon, and at the same time, the data is safeguarded from an individual's perspective with the privacy protection to which she is entitled.